Moishe Mayer is a wine lover and entrepreneur who has turned passion into opportunity, a way of life. 

Born and raised in Mont Kisko, NY, it all started with cleaning tanks for Herzog Winery at the age of 16. Then came The Wine Cave more than 20 years ago, and today, he is the driver behind four kosher wine & liquor stores in New York. 

But the passion doesn’t stop. Hungry for more variety within the world of kosher wine, Moishe began collaborating with winemakers to create his own wine brands and tastes. Then came bourbons and olive oil…Moishe doesn’t stop when he loves something and now owns a portfolio of more than 15 brands. 

And, of course, there’s also his wine club. People were always asking for recommendations and wanting to know more about wine, so Moishe decided to create a club. Every single month he’s giving wine lovers a unique opportunity to taste the best, most exciting kosher wines out there. Plus, he’s been known to throw in some good whiskeys and tequilas too! 

The Wine Club is easy access to what makes Moishe Mayer move. If you want to drink differently and learn simultaneously, sign up and try it!

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